Salvatori launches a digital resource centre exclusively for media and business partners
A user-friendly platform housing high-res images, videos and a comprehensive range of files, all in one easy place for the press and our business partners
Welcome to the new Salvatori Digital Resource Centre
Imagine a single user-friendly digital location where journalists and industry professionals could find all the images, technical files and creative materials they need. Understanding the importance of such a tool, we set about finding the ideal platform to make the work of our partners just that little bit easier.
The result is a Salvatori-branded digital resource centre, where accredited members can instantly access instructional, corporate and inspirational videos, high-res photographs and a host of other useful materials.
A new way to share content
The Salvatori look and feel is all about understated, clean aesthetics and this guides us in everything we do, beyond the products we design. We apply the same approach to the content we create and have always been mindful of the brand image we project which is why we carefully monitor any material published that contains our products or designs. This has meant, however, that at times we may not provide material or answers as quickly as we would like to, and the last thing we want to do is slow down the efforts of our partners.
Our digital resource centre gets around potential delays and problems, as all content can be shared using this one simple and intuitive tool. It allows us to instantly send material to anyone, meaning we can respond promptly to media requests, for example. The other key advantage is that anyone who is accredited can access the materials they need and share them with just a couple of clicks of the mouse.
Regular reports allow us to understand the most popular types of content and this in turn helps us develop more relevant and inspiring materials.
Easy, intuitive search function
The Salvatori digital resource centre is organised around a hierarchical structure with tags that makes it easy to lay your hands on the material you want in just a couple of clicks. In fact, one of the aspects we particularly appreciate about this platform is the way you can organise images (and other types of content) using descriptive labels that are linked to the search function, ensuring every relevant file type is displayed.
It also makes it easy to showcase our designers’ latest products so that they can be distributed to our partners more rapidly. Our representatives, dealers and agents have instant access to new content, allowing them to be constantly updated and also able to provide their own clients with outstanding service.
Who can access the resource centre?
Access to the Salvatori Digital Resource Centre is limited to journalists and international business partners by means of an accreditation process. To apply for accreditation, simply complete the form you will find on this page and your request will be actioned by our team.
For the avoidance of doubt, this is a separate account from the main Salvatori website, so you will need to insert new login details to complete your request. Please note that if you want to use the same login name and password that you use for, there is no problem, or you can choose completely different credentials.
If you do not meet the accreditation criteria, you will still find plenty of information on our main website, including manuals, videos, technical files and images.
We have created a digital resource centre with exclusive access for the media and our business partners around the world. If you are a journalist and would like to know more about our company, please get in touch via the contact form in our press area or via this link and we will be delighted to provide any information or material.